Board Papers 23rd April 2021

Board Papers, 23rd April 2021

Section Agenda Accompanying Documents Status
  Agenda  Agenda 23rd April 2021  
  *Matters for Mention by Chair    
  *Conflicts of Interest    
  *Summary Overview Summary Overview For Information
Section 1 Minutes and Matters Arising Board Meeting Minutes (12th February 2021) For approval
Section 2 Child Poverty Research  Presentation from Jefrey Shumba, Data Specialist For discussion
Section 3 Business Plan April Business Plan For discussion
Section 4 Finance Amended Budget For approval
Section 5 Governance Structures Terms of Reference:

For approval
Section 6 Annual Report Annual Report For approval
Section 7 Policies Schedule of Policies and proposed decision making process

Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

Employee Handbook

Board Handbook

Recruitment Policies and Procedures

PMDS Policy

Section 8 For information Glossary of Terms

EIQA Presentation


Business Development Committee Meeting Minutes, 16th December 2020

HR Committee Meeting Minutes, 18th February 2021

HR Committee Meeting Minutes, 25th March 2021

RAC Committee Meeting Minutes 26th March 2021

F&R Committee Meeting Minutes 26th March 2021

  Next meeting: Friday, 11th June 8-10 am