CDI Training and Consultancy Service provides professional development support to the child and family workforce across Ireland.  We are a social enterprise within CDI aimed at improving outcomes for children by strengthening evidence-informed practice within child and family services. To do this, we:

  • Deliver high quality, professional training courses and consultancies.
  • Speak from practical experience. All our trainers and consultants are also practitioners with hands-on experience implementing the programmes and practices within our Training and Consultancy Service.
  • Use evidence. We have carried out high quality research and evaluation of our work. We use this evidence to develop our training and consultancy supports.
  • Use experienced trainers and consultants. Our consultancy clients have included: Oberstown Children and Youth Detention Centre; Hospital Family Resource Centre; An Cosan; Community Addiction Response Project- Killinarden; Professional Development Service for Teachers – Department of Education; UCD School of Education; Tusla – Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS); Tusla – Area Based Childhood Programme; North East Inner City (NEIC)/ Young People At Risk (YPAR); Waterford IT. 
  • Provide bespoke trainings and consultancy supports. We work collaboratively with clients to ensure support is targeted to your needs.
  • Offer supports at a competitive rate.
  • Ensure any surplus generated is invested in CDI’s ongoing work in disadvantaged areas.

CDI Training Policy and Procedures for information on CDI’s training terms and conditions and the various procedures we use to ensure our training is accessible to everyone. We want our training courses to be accessible and inclusive; this policy informs how we do this.