Ante-natal to Three Initiative (ATTI)

The Ante-Natal to Three Initiative is a community collaboration that brings people together who are committed to strengthening the coordination of services to parents and children in the 0-3 age group in Tallaght. These services are made up of public health nurses, midwives, and other services that a family in particular, pregnant mothers and their children up to three years of age will use. 

Currently the ATTI community is focusing on improving a number of key areas including:

Benefits of having an Antenatal to Three Initiative in our community

Some of the core strengths of ATTI as identified through an independent evaluation are:

  • Capacity for communication and information sharing across the breadth of providers relevant to the ATTI age group, in Tallaght.
  • Supporting best practice and innovation though regular networking and learning events.
  • 67% indicated that ATTI had built increased awareness of access pathways to services for families in this age group. The result quicker and more appropriate referrals.
  • Improvement in service quality.

ATTI’s independent evaluation is available here.

CDI is currently working on an ATTI Implementation Guide.


Celine Moran: ATTI Coordinator

+353 1 414 7362 |