Certs Awarded in Life And Community Coaching

June 20, 2012: 55 people from across the community in Tallaght were awarded certificates in Life and Community Coaching, after completing a course organised by the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI). The successful participants learnt about community working and how they can also support others to be effective community workers. Many of the graduates are working in childcare, health and public services in Tallaght.

CDI Chief Executive Marian Quinn congratulated the graduates and wished them success in their work. “This course will help the participants to be effective leaders in their communities. Importantly they have also learnt about supporting others to develop their skills and bring wider benefits to the community.” The certificates were awarded at CDI’s Office at Mark’s Youth and Family Centre in Fettercairn.

This is the third such course which CDI has supported, and there are now a number of people living and working in the area with coaching qualifications which they use in their work and community. Most of the participants at today’s graduation plan to go on to study for a Diploma in Coaching.

Further Information

Ronan Cavanagh, Communications Coordinator, CDI: (086) 317 9731.