How Failure Can Feed Success

December 2016: The use of evidence for improving services is often thought of as a continuous success story from the stage of conception of an intervention, to its application and finally, to the impact on end users. RAND Europe supports the European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC), which provides information on such successful interventions […]

CDI Welcomes Katherine Zappone as new Minister for Children and Youth Affairs

June 6, 2016: CDI is delighted that our founder and previous Chair, Katherine Zappone, has been appointed as Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. Katherine has a long established history of working to reduce poverty and educational disadvantage, and her role in developing and leading An Cosan, a community education centre in Tallaght West.  It […]

Prevention and Early Intervention Groups welcome funding extension into 2017

April 22, 2016: The Childhood Development Initiative and Preparing for Life, Northside Partnership have today welcomed a decision by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Atlantic Philanthropies to allocate funding to extend their work until August 2017. A total of €1.2m has been allocated to the two organisations plus youngballymun, a third […]