Profile of Tallaght West from 2011 Census

December 2014: The 2011 Census is the most recent detailed population profile taken of Tallaght West. Using the figures we can compare Tallaght West against national averages using a range of established social and economic indicators.

Tallaght West in the data which follows is defined as the electoral division areas of Ballinascorney, Fettercain, Jobstown, Killinarden and Kiltipper.

On April 10 2011, the Census reocrded 29,000 people, almost 8,000 families and 11,000 children living in Tallaght West.

Lone Parent Families

  • Lone parent families in Tallaght West were more than double the national average at 36% compared to 16%

Social Class

  • 34% of nationally were professional, or managerial and technical compared to 16% in Tallaght West.
  • 33% nationally were semi-skilled, unskilled or others compared to 49% in Tallaght West.

Type of Household Occupancy

  • Nationally 70% of houeholds were owner occupiers compared to 40% in Tallaght West.
  • Nationally 8% of households were renting from local authorities compared to 39% in Tallaght West.


  • Nationally the rate of unemployment was 11% compared to 21% in Tallaght West.

Highest level of Education

  • Nationally 24% of people held a Degree, Postgraduate or Professional Qualification, compared to 11% in Tallaght West.


The 2011 Census figures clearly show that Tallaght West is an area of concentrated social and economic disadvantage due to:

  • More than double the national level of one parent families
  • High concentration of semi-skilled and unskilled workforce
  • High unemployment level, twice the national average
  • High concentration of rented social housing, four times the national average
  • Considerably lower levels of education with less that half the national level of people with professional qualifications.

The data highlights the need for additonal targeted social supports to address disadvantage in Tallaght West, including prevention and early intervention strategies and programmes for children and familes.