€4m to be invested in early intervention in Tallaght West 2013-2016

September 13, 2013: Children and families in Tallaght West are set to benefit after €4m has been allocated to early intervention programmes, which are targeted at the most disadvantaged in the community. The area has been identified as one of the Area Based Responses to Child Poverty in the country which the Department of Children […]

Community approach to conflict brings 43% reduction in disputes

May 23, 2013: A community based response to conflict has been found to reduce disputes by 43% and significantly improve relationships with service providers, work colleagues and neighbours. The report on a Restorative Practice Programme run in Tallaght West by the Childhood Development Initiative found that the greatest gain made in the reduction of disputes was […]

Experts encouraged to integrate prevention & early intervention evidence

May 20, 2013: Speaking at a seminar organised by the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) today, CDI Strategy and Corporate Services Manager Michelle Butler outlined steps that can be taken in the design and delivery of education to better support outcomes for children in disadvantaged areas. The recommendations were drawn from seven prevention and early intervention programmes […]

Community based response to crime can reduce reoffending by up to 40%

March 20, 2013: Community based responses to crime and anti-social behaviour can reduce re-offending by up to 40% – a conference heard today. Speaking at a conference on ‘Restorative Practice’, University of Ulster Lecturer Tim Chapman, said research in Northern Ireland found that offenders who participated in Restorative Practice processes were up to 40% less […]

Importance of Education for Parents Highlighted in Early Years Report

February 2, 2013: The importance of parent support and education has been highlighted in the findings of a major report into early years supports for children in disadvantaged areas. The finding is contained in an evaluation of an Early Years Service which was coordinated by the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) and aimed to support and target […]